Our articles

Business plan: structure and recommendations
What is a business plan? What structure does a business plan have and what are its key elements? How is a business plan composed in practice?
Marketing strategy - definition and development
What is a marketing strategy? How to develop a marketing strategy? What factors should be taken into account in the process of marketing strategy elaboration?
Marketing plan: structure and recommendations
What is a marketing plan? What is the structure of a marketing plan and what elements are essential for success? Does an ideal example of a marketing plan exist?
Brand and branding in modern marketing
What is a brand? Why is it important to have a strong brand? What does branding mean for companies? What is brand equity?
Brand equity as a central element of a marketing mix
What is brand equity? What advantages does brand equity offer? What is the structure of brand equity? How to create brand equity?
Positioning as a method of building brand equity
What is positioning? How does positioning relate to the concept of brand equity? How to implement step-by-step positioning in practice?
Integration of secondary associations into brand positioning
What are secondary associations? What is the significance of secondary associations? What are the sources of secondary associations?
Basic brand elements: name, domain, logo, slogan, character, and others
What are the basic elements of a brand? What are the general and specific criteria for selection? How can the elements be combined to maximize the brand equity?
Evolution of the marketing mix from 4P to 12P
What is a marketing mix? What are the elements of the marketing mix? What factors influence the evolution of the marketing mix?
How to develop a marketing mix - classic 4P concept
What are the elements of the marketing mix according to the 4P concept? What are the most common strategies, approaches, and tools for each element of the mix?
Additional elements of the marketing mix - the concepts of 8P, 12P
What elements are added to the classic 4P marketing mix nowadays? Which concept should be chosen - 4P, 8P, or 12P? Is there really a need for such an extension of the marketing mix?
Integration of marketing communications for effective brand promotion
What is integration of marketing communications? What factors influence the choice of communications for integration? How to integrate marketing communications into a cohesive system?
Marketing services - types, specializations, importance for businesses
What are marketing services? How is the marketing services industry beneficial for businesses? Which types of marketing services are in the highest demand?
What is digital marketing - definition, segmentation, application
What is digital marketing? How is digital marketing segmented, and what advantages does segmentation provide? What problems do you need to be prepared for?
Evaluation of marketing strategy and marketing plan effectiveness
What to do after launching a marketing campaign? How to evaluate the effectiveness of a marketing strategy and marketing plan? How to understand if marketing efforts are successful?
Performance marketing - definition, advantages, and key metrics
What is Performance marketing? What are the advantages of Performance marketing over traditional marketing? What are the key metrics used in Performance marketing?
Marketing audit - brand audit or marketing mix audit
What is a marketing audit? What is a brand audit? What is a marketing mix audit? How are both types of audits related? Which one is more beneficial for a company's marketing?
Affiliate or partner marketing - mechanism and effectiveness
What is affiliate or partner marketing? What is the main idea behind affiliate marketing? What are the advantages of using affiliate marketing?
Difference between marketing audit and marketing monitoring
What is marketing audit and marketing monitoring? What is the difference between these two concepts? In which cases should marketing audit be used, and in which cases - monitoring?
What is differentiated marketing - definition and application
What is differentiated marketing? When is differentiated marketing most effective? What problems can arise with differentiated marketing?
Marketing automation - capabilities and limitations
What is marketing automation? Which marketing processes can be automated, and which cannot? How will artificial intelligence change marketing automation?
What is viral marketing - definition, application, and potential challenges
What is viral marketing? What factors and characteristics determine the success of viral marketing? What challenges can arise in its implementation?
Marketing promotion as an element of the marketing mix
What is marketing promotion? Why is the integration of marketing promotion channels important? Is promotion alone sufficient?
Internet marketing - definition, segmentation, usage
What is internet marketing? How do they segment internet marketing directions? What are the main tools used in internet marketing?
What is marketing? As a business process and as a profession
What is marketing in business, as a profession, as a scientific discipline? What factors are important when choosing a career in marketing? What skills are needed for successful marketing?
Content marketing - definition, types, and channels of application
What is content marketing? What types of content are used in content marketing? What are the main communication channels applied in content marketing?
Who is a marketer? For self-perception, for an employer, for society
Who is a marketer? What is the significance of the marketing profession for society? Why does an employer need a marketer? How should marketers perceive themselves?
Email marketing - definition, main advantages, application
What is email marketing? What advantages does email marketing have over other marketing tools? What issues does the application of email marketing have?
Conversion marketing - definition, tools, implementation challenges
What is conversion marketing? What tools are used in conversion marketing? What challenges need to be avoided during implementation?
SMM or social media marketing - definition, application, possible issues
What is SMM? What does an effective SMM system consist of? What issues are associated with the use of SMM?
Consumer loyalty to the brand - importance, factors, ways of enhancement
What is the significance of consumer loyalty? What factors influence loyalty? How can one enhance and maintain consumer loyalty?
Risk management in business - necessity and modern approaches
Why is risk management necessary in business? What are the typical risks for modern businesses? How to counteract risks?
Crisis management in business - importance and main types of crises
Why is crisis management necessary in business? What crises are typical for businesses? How does crisis management differ from risk management?
Expert evaluation of the business plan, marketing, and branding
What is expert evaluation in business and marketing planning? What methods are applied? What problems arise without professional assistance?
Marketing strategy during wartime
Is marketing relevant during wartime? What changes should be made to the marketing strategy during wartime and a state of war? What should be the communications with society like?
Marketing of law firms and legal services
Assistance with developing a marketing mix for legal firms and sole practitioners. What are the characteristics of the market? What are the peculiarities of developing a marketing strategy and marketing plan for legal firms? We know and we can help.
Marketing of accounting and auditing firms
Assistance with developing a marketing mix for accounting and auditing firms. What are the characteristics of the market for accounting and auditing services? What are the peculiarities of developing a marketing strategy and marketing plan? We know and we can help.
Marketing of architectural bureaus and design studios
Assistance with developing a marketing mix for architectural bureaus and design studios. What are the characteristics of the market for architectural bureaus and design studios? What are the peculiarities of developing a marketing strategy and marketing plan? We know and we can help.
Marketing of IT companies, products, and services
Assistance with developing a marketing mix for IT companies. What are the characteristics of the market? What are the most effective marketing strategies? We know and we can help.
Marketing of FinTech products and companies
Assistance with developing a marketing mix for fintech companies. What are the characteristics of the market? What are the most effective marketing strategies? We know and we can help.
Marketing of AI-powered products and services
Assistance with developing a marketing mix for AI products and services. What are the characteristics of the market? What are the most effective marketing strategies? We know and we can help.
Marketing strategy for a medical clinic
Assistance with developing a marketing mix for medical clinic. What are the market specifics? What marketing strategies are most effective? We know and we will help.
Marketing of medical and pharmaceutical products
Assistance with developing a marketing mix in the pharma sector. What are the characteristics of the pharma market? What marketing strategies are most effective in pharma? We know and we will help.
Marketing strategy for a dental clinic
Assistance with developing a marketing mix for dental clinic. What are the market specifics? What marketing strategies are most effective? We know and we will help.
Marketing strategy for real estate agencies
Assistance with developing a marketing mix for real estate agency. What are the market specifics? What marketing strategies are most effective? We know and we will help.
Marketing of residential real estate
Assistance with developing a marketing mix for residential real estate. What are the market specifics? What marketing strategies are most effective? We know and we will help.
Marketing of commercial real estate
Assistance with developing a marketing mix for commercial real estate. What are the market specifics? What marketing strategies are most effective? We know and we will help.
Marketing of banks and banking products
Assistance with developing a marketing mix for banks. What are the characteristics of the market? What are the most effective marketing strategies? We know and we can help.
Marketing of insurance services and companies
Assistance with developing a marketing mix for insurance services. What are the characteristics of the market? What are the most effective marketing strategies? We know and we can help.
Marketing of personal microloans
Assistance with developing a marketing mix for personal microloans. What are the characteristics of the market? What are the most effective marketing strategies? We know and we can help.
Marketing strategy for a hotel or hotel chain
Assistance with developing a marketing mix for a hotel. What are the characteristics of the hotel industry? What are the most effective marketing strategies? We know and we can help.
Marketing strategy for a restaurant or restaurant chain
Assistance with developing a marketing mix in the restaurant industry. What are the market specifics? What marketing strategies are most effective? We know and we will help.
Marketing of tourism services and travel agencies
Assistance with developing a marketing mix in the tourism industry. What are the market specifics? What marketing strategies are most effective? We know and we will help.
Marketing of cosmetic products and perfumery
Assistance with developing a marketing mix in the cosmetics and perfumery market. What are the market specifics? What marketing strategies are most effective? We know and we will help.
Marketing strategy for a beauty salon
Assistance with developing a marketing mix for dental clinic. What are the market specifics? What marketing strategies are most effective? We know and we will help.
Marketing of SPA and wellness centers
Assistance with developing a marketing mix for spa center. What are the market specifics? What marketing strategies are most effective? We know and we will help.
Marketing strategy for online shop
Assistance with developing a marketing mix for online shop. What are the market specifics? What marketing strategies are most effective? We know and we will help.
Marketing strategy for minimarkets or grocery stores
Assistance with developing a marketing mix for grocery stores. What are the market specifics? What marketing strategies are most effective? We know and we will help.
Marketing for clothing, footwear, accessories stores
Assistance with developing a marketing mix for clothing, footwear, and accessories stores. What are the market specifics? What marketing strategies are most effective? We know and we will help.
Marketing strategy for sausage and meat delicacies producers
Assistance with developing a marketing mix for sausages and meat delicacies. What are the characteristics of the market? What are the most effective marketing strategies? We know and we can help.
Marketing strategy for shelf-stable food
Assistance with developing a marketing mix for shelf-stable food. What are the characteristics of the market? What are the most effective marketing strategies? We know and we can help.
Marketing of frozen ready-to-cook food
Assistance with developing a marketing mix for frozen ready-to-cook food. What are the characteristics of the market? What are the most effective marketing strategies? We know and we can help.
Marketing strategy for a fitness club or gym
Assistance with developing a marketing mix for fitness club. What are the market specifics? What marketing strategies are most effective? We know and we will help.
Marketing in agricultural business
Assistance with developing a marketing mix in the agricultural sector. What are the characteristics of the agricultural market? What marketing strategies are most effective in agribusiness? We know and we will help.
Marketing of automotive goods and spare parts
Assistance with developing a marketing mix of automotive goods and spare parts. What are the characteristics of the automotive goods market? What marketing strategies are most effective? We know and we will help.
Marketing of auto service stations and car repair shops
Assistance with developing a marketing mix of a car repair shop. What are the characteristics of the car repair shop market? What marketing strategies are most effective? We know and we will help.
Marketing of car dealerships and car lots
Assistance with developing a marketing mix of a car dealership. What are the characteristics of the car dealership market? What marketing strategies are most effective? We know and we will help.
Marketing or furniture brands and stores
Assistance with developing a marketing mix for furniture business. What are the market specifics? What marketing strategies are most effective? We know and we will help.
Marketing of building supplies
Assistance with developing a marketing mix for building supplies. What are the market specifics? What marketing strategies are most effective? We know and we will help.
Marketing of household goods
Assistance with developing a marketing mix for household good. What are the market specifics? What marketing strategies are most effective? We know and we will help.

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