The quality of services in the fields of marketing and business planning largely depends on the degree of interaction between the client and the service provider, resulting in a combination of knowledge from both sides about the market, competition, and consumer behavior with modern marketing and business practices.

The client provides the vision of business goals and strategy, the market situation, shares experience in interacting with customers, current or desired practices, and their outcomes. The service provider, on the other side, conducts the necessary analysis, evaluates the goals in relation to capabilities and budget, identifies weaknesses, finds effective alternatives, and integrates tools into an effective marketing or business plan.

Typical working process

Query submission
A potential customer fills out a query form on the DiNANTA website indicating the name of the company or brand along with the reasons for the query
Feasibility assessment
Our experts evaluate the reasons for the client's inquiry regarding the current state of the company or brand and provide an initial conclusion regarding the feasibility of execution
Initial consultation
In case of a positive conclusion regarding the feasibility of involvement, an initial consultation is conducted, during which we provide detailed information about the services and solutions that can be offered
Brief submission
In case of mutual agreement on future cooperation, the customer fills out a detailed questionnaire about the current state of marketing, competition, expected results, etc.
Roadmap development
According to the brief and mutual vision of the issues, our experts develop a roadmap the implementation of which is a necessary condition for achieving the goals
Roadmap adjustment
The roadmap must be approved by the customer with comments and suggestions agreed upon in the process of consultations with our experts
The implementation usually consists of:
- interview with the management
- interviews with the employees
- field work
- desk research
- data analysis
- creative sessions
- modeling
- results formalization
Our experts provide step-by-step updates on their work to facilitate prompt adjustments according to the client's preferences and vision
Refinement is carried out in case of any remarks or suggestions from the client
Final result
The final outcome is provided in the form of a final report or presentation

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