Dear friends,

Welcome to the pages of our website and, taking this opportunity, we would like to draw your attention to some aspects of our cooperation with clients, namely our business philosophy, our values, and principles. Since these aspects are the foundation of mutually beneficial and effective interaction between the contractor and the client.

Firstly, our practice belongs exclusively to the field of marketing consulting and business planning, namely to solving such tasks as defining the client's marketing strategy, developing a brand and positioning, building or auditing a marketing mix, optimizing marketing expenses, developing a business plan, etc. This is precisely the niche of outsourcing in which we are professionals and have achieved the status of recognized experts. We do not provide other services, do not need to compete with "do anything, anytime, cheap" companies, do not take away the bread from companies working in adjacent niches of marketing and business services. We are proud to be true professionals in the field of marketing and business consulting and to achieve strategic victories together with our clients.

Secondly, we build our practice on the basis of complete openness in relations with the client. On the one hand, we directly point out the problem areas in the clients' business if they exist, and, on the other hand, we never try to find a problem where there is none. That is, "a world through rose-tinted glasses" or "a solution in search of a problem" are those practices that we always avoid. For example. the evaluation of the customer's marketing plan should be as objective as possible. Deviation from objectivity in one way or another deprives of meaning any effort on our side and can cause irreparable damage to the client's business.

Third, in cooperation with any client we always adhere to the principle of confidentiality in order to preserve both the intellectual property of clients and our own intellectual property as much as possible. We do not flaunt the successes of marketing mixes business plans developed for clients, we do not disclose information about our cooperation in order to demonstrate our own importance, we do not even give the names of client companies in order to avoid copying elements of the marketing mix by competitors. Adherence to the rules of confidentiality helps to strengthen mutual trust which leads to more effective and successful cooperation.

Last but not least, our experts always prefer a scientific approach to solving customer problems. We offer our own methods with practically proven effectiveness, we always resort to testing alternative hypotheses, and we tend to make decisions based on metrics. You can learn more about our methods and approaches in the "Solutions" and "Services" sections.

Thank you for your attention and we look forward for fruitful cooperation.

Short Biography

For over 15 years, Volodymyr has been recognized as an expert in the field of marketing management, having progressed from a junior analyst of the consumer goods market to a regional marketing and communications director for the CIS, Eastern Europe, the Middle East, and Africa in global consulting and research companies such as Nielsen and GfK. Currently, his main areas of interest include general business management, the development of marketing and commercial components, and the synergy between them. Volodymyr graduated from the Institute of International Relations at Taras Shevchenko National University of Kyiv with a degree in International Economic Relations. He further pursued his education at Hitotsubashi University in Tokyo, Japan, where he obtained a Master's degree in Economics.

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