Competition Driven Marketing Mix - unique marketing strategies and methods of elaborating, auditing or supporting marketing and brand management of the client in conditions requiring overcoming strong market competition


If a business operates in an environment with a significant number of competitors, then the marketing strategy is built on a detailed analysis of the competitive situation and an in-depth study of consumer needs, followed by the creation of a unique positioning of the product and a marketing mix that focuses the attention of target audiences on the competitive advantages of the client and distinguishes the product from the set of competitors' products.

The CompMar solution is relevant for any business that can serve a significantly larger number of clients but whose income is limited by the competitive situation and cannot be increased without communicating competitive advantages to target audiences.

Indeed, a large number of businesses are limited in their ability to increase revenue due to shortcomings in their own positioning and marketing efforts compared to competitors, when strong competition leaves no room for development. Revenue growth in such cases is possible through re-positioning of the business using our unique CompMar strategies and a marketing complex aimed at creating competitive advantages in order to increase market share at the expense of competitors.

Examples of such markets can be most businesses in trade, manufacturing, agricultural sector, service industry, etc.

Target Audience Marketing Mix - unique marketing strategies and methods of elaborating, auditing or supporting marketing and brand management of the client with the aim of attracting and retaining small and hard-to-reach target audiences


If a business either offers a niche product for a limited number of clients, is oriented towards target audiences that are difficult to attract, or works with hard-to-reach audiences, then the marketing strategy is built around creative elements of positioning and a marketing mix. This entails, on one hand, expanding communication channels to attract a greater number of hard-to-reach clients, and on the other hand, creating a strong loyalty program to retain them.

The TagMar solution is relevant for any business whose potential client base is either small or difficult to access through conventional communication channels, or challenging to persuade and attract to make a purchase.

Indeed, many businesses are limited in their ability to increase revenue due to the peculiarities of products or services that are aimed at relatively small or difficult-to-promote markets. Revenue growth in such cases is possible through creative re-positioning of the business using our unique TagMar strategies and a marketing mix focused on innovations in communication components and a developed multilevel customer loyalty system.

Examples of such businesses include workshops of exclusive goods, fitness clubs, psychological consulting, sensitive medical practices, consulting services, innovative enterprises, etc.

Fixed Assests Marketing Mix - unique marketing strategies and methods of elaborating, auditing or supporting marketing and brand management based on the capabilities of fixed assets and other limited resources of the client


If a client's business is limited by the capabilities of its fixed assets, the working hours of critical employees, or has a limit on throughput due to other restricted resources, then the marketing strategy is built around achieving maximum profitability of the limited resource with a gradual or immediate shift of the marketing mix to more profitable target audiences.

The FixMar solution is relevant for any business whose income is strictly limited by one or several critical resources and cannot be exceeded even with an increase in the number of clients.

Indeed, many businesses are limited in their ability to increase income through an increase in client numbers. Income growth in such cases is possible with the help of our unique FixMar strategies and a marketing mix aimed at attracting more profitable target audiences.

Examples of such businesses include hotels, hair salons, cinemas, law firms, medical institutions, real estate, construction, etc.

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