Internet marketing (also known as online marketing, digital marketing, or e-marketing) is a set of strategies and methods for promoting products, services, or brands through the Internet to attract the attention of a target audience, increase brand awareness, attract potential customers, and boost sales.

We encounter internet marketing practically every day when using the internet or mobile devices. Here are some common situations that are unavoidable in modern life:

  • Search engine advertising. When we enter a query into a search engine like Google, we see advertisements at the top or bottom of the page offering products or services related to our search.
  • Social media. When browsing our social media pages such as Facebook, Instagram, or Twitter, we see advertisements from various companies trying to capture our attention.
  • Email marketing. When we open our email, we may find various promotional messages, special offers, discounts, and information from different companies.
  • Visual advertising. When visiting websites or blogs, reading news, or watching videos on YouTube, we may encounter banner ads, product recommendations, or other advertising content.
  • Online shopping. When making purchases online, we usually see product recommendations, popular items, or discount offers that encourage us to make additional purchases.
  • Retargeting. After visiting certain websites or viewing pages of specific products, we may notice that ads for those sites or products appear on other pages we visit due to retargeting technology, etc.

Considering the prevalence of the internet and digital technologies, internet marketing becomes increasingly essential for businesses, brands, and individuals who want to communicate with their audience and promote their products or services.


From a business perspective, effective internet marketing requires understanding that the promotion of brands, products, or services on the internet happens through three main segments or types of promotion channels, each having its own characteristics and specifics:

  • Owned media. This includes the set of promotion channels that a company directly owns and has full control over the information presented to potential customers. Owned media encompasses websites, blogs, social media pages, email lists, mobile apps, games, and any other digital assets owned by companies.
  • Paid media. This includes third-party promotion channels where companies pay for placing advertisements or content and have limited control over the information disseminated within the agreement between the company and the owner of the internet resource. This may include advertising in search engines, social media advertising, website banners, mobile app advertising, paid press release placements in online media, sponsored articles, or native advertising.
  • Earned media. This encompasses promotion channels where companies receive coverage, mentions, or attention in media and other third-party sources without payment. This can include media articles about the company, customer reviews or endorsements, viral content, etc. The information in earned media arises as a result of the company's earned reputation, whether positive or negative. The drawback is the absence of any control over the quality of content and ways of its dissemination.

Using all three promotion channels helps companies attract, interact with, and retain their audience, develop their brand, increase sales, and create a positive image in the digital space. Each of these channels has its advantages and can complement each other to achieve effective internet marketing.

In today's realities, it is almost impossible to achieve success using only one of the mentioned promotion channels. There is so much information on the internet that without a comprehensive approach, it's challenging to reach the desired level of brand, product, or service awareness.

Only a comprehensive approach in the marketing strategy can bring a company closer to the desired results. For example, here is a simple integration example of the three internet marketing channels mentioned above:

  • The company creates interesting and valuable content on its website or blog, such as articles, tips, instructions that answer the audience's questions and solve their problems. However, if the company is young and relatively unknown, the content won't be visible, and no one will learn about it, except the business owners and employees.
  • Then, the company launches an advertising campaign on Google Ads targeted at specific keywords related to its product or service. The ads appear in search results when users search for those keywords, allowing the company to attract new customers and spread its content.
  • If the content is valuable or goes viral, it starts its own path through the network, being shared, reviewed, and recommended on social media, forums, or other web resources. In some cases, exceptionally successful or provocative content may catch the attention of thought leaders, significantly accelerating brand, product, or service awareness.

This is a very straightforward integration scheme of the three internet marketing channels, but it reflects the main idea - combining owned, paid, and earned media around quality content is the foundation of successful internet marketing.


When applying internet marketing tools, entrepreneurs can make various common mistakes that can negatively impact the effectiveness of marketing efforts. Here are some of the most common mistakes:

  • Insufficient analytics. Failing to use analytical tools and ignoring the results of marketing campaigns can lead to wasting resources on ineffective marketing methods. It is essential to carefully analyze data, measure performance metrics, and make timely adjustments to the marketing strategy.
  • Irrelevant target audience. Careless selection of the target audience can result in marketing efforts directed at the wrong or non-targeted audience. It is crucial to thoroughly research the target audience, understand their needs and requirements, and adapt marketing actions accordingly.
  • Lack of mobile optimization. In the modern world, a significant number of users browse content and make purchases from mobile devices. Insufficient website or advertising material optimization for mobile devices can negatively affect marketing results.
  • Inappropriate content. It is essential to create content that is interesting, useful, and relevant to the audience's needs. Incorrect content or excessive advertising can turn the audience away and lead to a loss of interest.
  • Excessive focus on social media. Maintaining a presence on numerous social media platforms can demand significant efforts and resources. Entrepreneurs may waste efforts if they do not concentrate on the most effective platforms for their audience.
  • Lack of audience feedback. Insufficient interaction with the audience can deprive entrepreneurs of vital tools to improve products, services, and customer service based on customer feedback.
  • Spamming. Using unsolicited promotional messages or emails can turn potential customers away and damage the company's reputation.

Understanding and avoiding typical mistakes will help entrepreneurs create effective marketing campaigns that contribute to attracting new audiences, retaining existing customers, and increasing competitiveness online and in the overall market.

Achieving the commercial objectives of a company through effective marketing requires a deep understanding of the market situation, consumer needs, the ability to analyze and explore alternatives, and a creative approach to problem-solving. Our company has extensive experience in defining optimal marketing strategies for our clients' businesses, creating a strong brand and market positioning, as well as developing a marketing mix and implementing the chosen strategy. You can familiarize yourself with the services and solutions our company offers on the "Services" and "Solutions" pages, respectively.
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