Many articles that attempt to define who a marketer is often focus solely on the functional responsibilities of a marketer within an organization or enterprise. However, in our opinion, this perspective does not fully capture the profession's significance and its impact on society. This lack of perspective prevents us from truly understanding how vital the role of a marketer is in the modern world and how marketers should perceive their own work, as well as how employers should assess the contributions of marketers to the overall success of their business. Indeed, by combining these aspects, the profession of a marketer takes on a whole new dimension.

From the perspective of societal development, marketing is a key factor that brings about fundamental changes in many aspects of social life. The work of marketers, though not immediately apparent, stimulates economic growth, influences consumer behavior, promotes innovation, reflects cultural shifts, and triggers changes in societal values. Here are the main aspects that illustrate the impact of marketers on society:

  • Economic development. Marketing contributes to entrepreneurial activity and business growth. Through creating new products and services, developing marketing strategies, and promoting them in the market, marketers stimulate demand for goods and services, leading to economic growth.
  • Innovation and technological advancement. Marketing helps businesses identify new opportunities and drive innovation. Market research and analysis of consumer needs lead to the adoption of new technologies and product improvements, responding to changing conditions.
  • Changing consumer behavior. Marketing influence can shape consumer behavior. On one hand, marketing can facilitate innovation and improve consumer life. On the other hand, uncontrolled marketing can foster excess, create artificial needs, and promote excessive consumption.
  • Changing perceptions of goods and services. Marketing can transform ordinary products and services into desirable objects, creating an emotional connection between consumers and products that reflects cultural and psychological aspects of society.
  • Sociocultural changes. Marketing can impact sociocultural changes by influencing the values and ideals supported by society. Advertising, branding, and marketing campaigns can influence the perception of cultural norms and stereotypes.

All these aspects demonstrate that marketing impacts not only the business environment but also social, cultural, and economic aspects of society. Therefore, the work of marketers is genuinely important for societal development, as their actions can influence social processes for years or even decades. In such a context, how should marketers feel about themselves and their profession?


Feeling like important agents of positive (and perhaps negative) changes in both business and society, focusing on strategic aspects, and being open to innovation help marketers understand the substantial significance of their work. Professional and responsible marketers should always consider the following aspects in their activities:

  • Role significance. Marketers should understand that their actions and decisions significantly influence business success, relationships between enterprises and consumers, and societal development. They determine how products and services contribute to consumer satisfaction, quality of life, and overall lifestyle.
  • Innovation and creativity. Marketers should see themselves as innovators and creative individuals. They identify new ways to promote products, create unique marketing strategies, and contribute ideas that impact consumers for years.
  • Strategic thinking. Marketers should recognize that their role involves not only creating advertising campaigns but also determining strategic directions for business development. They help businesses identify new opportunities, adapt to changing market environments, and develop long-term strategies.
  • Social responsibility. Marketers should understand the importance of social responsibility and ethical practices in their work. They can be agents of both positive and negative change, which comes with a certain responsibility.
  • Professional growth. Marketers should acknowledge that learning and self-improvement are key aspects of their careers. They should be open to new ideas, stay updated on the latest marketing trends, and constantly refine their skills.

Therefore, the self-perception of a marketer should encompass an understanding of the significance of their role not only in building a successful business but also in societal life for decades to come. Marketers should view themselves as professionals who make a meaningful contribution to development and be prepared to take responsibility for their actions and influence. Recognizing the importance and impact of their work helps marketers feel more motivated and engaged in their profession. They should see themselves as change agents who shape trends, influence consumers, and society at large. This deep self-awareness leads to a more responsible and thoughtful approach to work, fostering both personal growth and the development of businesses and society as a whole.


From the employers' perspective, they should evaluate marketers as strategic partners who bring value and added worth through their understanding of general societal processes, market trends, competitive situations, and innovative ideas. Here are a few key aspects that employers should consider when assessing the value of marketing professionals and selecting individuals for positions:

  • Strategic thinking. Marketers possess expertise in market analysis, trend identification, and strategy development. Employers should evaluate their ability to think strategically and influence the company's direction.
  • Consumer interaction. Marketers have the skills to interact with consumers, understanding their needs, perspectives, and desires. Employers should rely on marketers' knowledge to support customer relationships and loyalty development.
  • Creativity and innovation. Marketers significantly contribute to fostering creative thinking and innovation within the company. Employers should recognize this component of marketers' work and actively support it.
  • Social responsibility. Contemporary marketing increasingly considers aspects of social responsibility, acknowledging the impact on societal life. Employers should support marketers' initiatives aimed at improving the interaction between the company and society.

Overall, employers should understand that marketing and marketers are critical elements that, on one hand, shape individuals' perception of a company at the micro-level and, on the other hand, can have a considerable impact on societal life and development as a whole.

In conclusion, the marketing profession is intriguing because it influences consumer behavior, facilitates the adoption and spread of innovations, shapes socio-cultural values, thus having a significant impact on societal life and development. It also attracts professionals with a diverse range of tasks, from routine aspects to strategic planning and creative thinking. For employers, marketers are key figures who contribute strategic thinking, creativity, social responsibility, and effectiveness to the company, supporting strategic business development in today's dynamic environment.

Achieving the commercial objectives of a company through effective marketing requires a deep understanding of the market situation, consumer needs, the ability to analyze and explore alternatives, and a creative approach to problem-solving. Our company has extensive experience in defining optimal marketing strategies for our clients' businesses, creating a strong brand and market positioning, as well as developing a marketing mix and implementing the chosen strategy. You can familiarize yourself with the services and solutions our company offers on the "Services" and "Solutions" pages, respectively.
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