A general understanding of what marketing is exists among many people because the concept is widely used in modern society. The scientific definition of marketing can also be easily found on the internet. However, the search query "what is marketing" consistently occupies the top position in terms of marketing-related topics in all search engines. Indeed, standard articles with paraphrased definitions do not provide the information people need, and they continue their search. In this article, we will try to deviate somewhat from the standard description of what marketing is and provide answers to the usefulness of marketing for business, the interest of marketing as a profession and source of income, and whether engaging in marketing as a science is worth it.

So, as a business process, marketing is a complex of actions and strategies aimed at achieving commercial goals for a company through creating the necessary brand image, product, or service and satisfying relevant customer needs. Essentially, this process includes activities such as market research, product or service development, pricing policy determination, distribution channel establishment, market promotion strategies, and customer interaction. The main goal of marketing as a business process is to attract and retain customers, ensure competitive advantages, and increase company profits.

Ignoring marketing in business in modern realities is almost impossible and can lead to a range of serious problems that may negatively impact business success and profitability. Here are some typical problems that may arise:

  • Poor market understanding. Marketing helps analyze the market, identify trends, changes in demand, competitor behavior, etc. The absence of such understanding may lead to missed opportunities for development and adaptation to changes.
  • Mistakes in targeting. Marketing helps learn more about potential customers, their needs, desires, and behavior. Without this information, a business may misdirect its efforts and expenses, not knowing who its ideal customers are.
  • Mistakes regarding products or services. Marketing efforts help understand the directions for product or service development that have market demand. The absence of such knowledge may lead to investments in products or product attributes that consumers do not need.
  • Unfavorable company image. If a company does not invest in marketing its brand, it may have an unclear or negative perception among consumers. This can affect their willingness to cooperate or purchase products or services from the company.
  • Decreased competitiveness. Lack of marketing strategies may cause a business to lose its competitive advantage, as other companies actively using marketing can attract more customers and increase their market share.
  • Low sales volume. Without marketing efforts, there may be insufficient awareness of the product or service among the target audience. This can result in low demand and, consequently, low sales volumes.

In general, marketing plays a crucial role in attracting and retaining customers, establishing a positive company image, developing new markets, and achieving competitive advantages. Underestimating its importance can lead to serious difficulties in business development and loss of profits.

According to this, leading companies do not hesitate to invest and create powerful marketing departments and divisions that carry equal weight to commercial, financial, and other important structural units. For this reason, the field of marketing is considered by many as a possible career path.


So, what does marketing represent as a profession and as a potential source of income - a question that interests many readers, especially those who are facing the choice of their future career. The first thing to mention is that becoming a marketer is much easier than it may seem at first glance. The reason is that, unlike other professions, marketing is an ever-changing field that relies more on creativity than on fundamental knowledge. This indicates that acquiring the necessary knowledge and becoming a recognized marketer can be achieved through various paths, for example:

  • Higher education. One of the most common ways is to obtain a higher education with a specialization in marketing or related fields such as business, economics, or advertising. Is this path mandatory? Absolutely not. Most practicing marketers do not have a professional degree and come into marketing from completely different backgrounds, such as philology, history, biology, anyone.
  • Courses and training. There are special courses and programs in marketing that offer various skills and knowledge in this field. Typically, professionals from other fields complete such courses or programs and transition to marketing within their current company or get hired for entry-level marketing positions in other companies.
  • Self-study. The internet and educational literature provide countless opportunities for self-learning marketing.
  • Experience. Gaining practical experience in the marketing field is also a viable step for career development. This can be internships, working on marketing projects, or volunteering in marketing-oriented organizations.

By choosing one or a combination of these paths, individuals can develop their knowledge and skills in marketing and progress in this exciting and dynamic profession. However, it should be understood that marketing, like many other professions, is a very broad concept that encompasses a wide range of individual areas within the marketing field. Saying that you are a marketer is like saying you are a doctor or a lawyer. You need to specify your specialization. Marketing as a profession includes the following main specializations:

  • Brand Manager. Responsible for the development and positioning of company brands in the market.
  • Product Manager. Responsible for the strategy, development, and success of company products or services.
  • Marketing Planning Manager. Develops and implements marketing strategies and plans.
  • Marketing Researcher. Engages in market research and consumer behavior analysis to understand audience needs.
  • Marketing Analyst. Analyzes data and metrics to assess the effectiveness of marketing campaigns and assist in decision-making.
  • Digital Marketer. Specializes in digital marketing, including social media (SMM manager), content marketing, SEO, email marketing, etc.
  • Media Planner. Plans and implements advertising campaigns on various media platforms.
  • PR Manager. Responsible for media relations and shaping a positive company image.
  • Trade Marketing Manager. Specializes in marketing strategies to support retail sales.

The marketing profession attracts many people with a combination of analytical, creative, and routine work in proportions where creativity and analytics take the lead. Indeed, here are a few aspects that make marketing attractive in terms of combining analytical and creative work:

  • Variety of tasks,
  • Development of creative potential,
  • Analytics and strategic thinking,
  • Working with different teams,
  • Real impact on the business,
  • The dynamism of marketing, etc.

Combining analytical and creative work in marketing allows professionals not only to research and understand the market but also to find innovative and creative ways to achieve success in business. This multidimensionality makes marketing an interesting and exciting career path for both creative and analytical individuals. It is also a widely studied and researched discipline in numerous educational institutions across most countries.


Marketing, as a scientific discipline, studies the processes and methods of interaction between businesses and consumers with the aim of satisfying the needs and goals of both parties. It is a complex scientific field that encompasses various aspects and typically includes the following key components:

  • Market research. Marketing scientists conduct market and consumer behavior research to gather data and information about the audience, competitors, trends, consumption habits, and more. This data helps understand consumer needs and desires and develop effective marketing strategies.
  • Segmentation and target audience. Marketers identify consumer groups with common characteristics and interests and help select the target audience for marketing efforts.
  • Marketing strategy and planning. One of the fundamental aspects of marketing is developing a strategy and planning marketing activities to achieve the company's goals.
  • Branding and positioning. Branding involves creating and managing an identity for a company, product, or service. It helps create a positive image of the company, increase customer loyalty, and build consumer trust in the brand. Positioning in marketing determines how a company, product, or service is perceived by consumers compared to competitors on the market. Positioning creates a unique identity and defines the features that make a product or company desirable for its target audience.
  • Product or service development. Marketing science examines the process of developing a product or service according to consumer needs.
  • Marketing communications. This aspect of marketing studies effective methods of engaging consumers, including advertising, public relations, direct marketing, digital marketing, and other communication tools.
  • Pricing and distribution strategies. Marketing helps determine optimal prices for products and develops distribution strategies to maximize sales and gain a competitive advantage.
  • Customer interaction. Marketing research studies the interaction between companies and their customers, exploring their reactions to products and campaigns, which helps improve customer relations and increase loyalty.

Marketing as a scientific discipline is based on research, empirical data, analysis, and statistics. It combines an analytical approach to understanding market trends and consumer behavior with a creative approach to developing marketing campaigns and strategies. The diversity of marketing topics, consumer interaction, and the use of technology to develop innovative market influence strategies, along with its impact on society and the development of strategic thinking to achieve goals in a dynamic environment, make marketing a fascinating field.

Therefore, marketing is a multifaceted phenomenon, and its importance in the modern world cannot be overstated. It is a key component of successful business strategy as it helps companies understand the needs and desires of their target audience. Marketing research and analysis enable forecasting market changes and adapting to them while implementing innovative approaches to attract new customers. Proper positioning and branding ensure uniqueness and recognition, creating a positive image and fostering consumer loyalty. Marketing also develops effective marketing campaigns using various communication channels such as digital marketing, social media, and traditional advertising. Considering the dynamic nature of markets and consumer preferences, marketing is essential for the constant development and success of companies, allowing them to adapt to new conditions and maintain competitiveness.

In addition to the business sphere, marketing, as a profession and scientific discipline, also influences society as a whole, shaping cultural stereotypes, ethical standards, and fostering social interaction between brands and consumers. Overall, marketing is an integral part of the modern global market, and it significantly contributes to shaping the appearance of the contemporary world.

Achieving the commercial objectives of a company through effective marketing requires a deep understanding of the market situation, consumer needs, the ability to analyze and explore alternatives, and a creative approach to problem-solving. Our company has extensive experience in defining optimal marketing strategies for our clients' businesses, creating a strong brand and market positioning, as well as developing a marketing mix and implementing the chosen strategy. You can familiarize yourself with the services and solutions our company offers on the "Services" and "Solutions" pages, respectively.
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